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‘Arrrrr – You’re So Annoying!!!’

This is a bedtime story… in the literal sense, lol – a story about a moment in time when I was in bed, not the fairytale-kind.

So, last night – as I was lying bed, all cozied up with my dogs and ready to fall asleep – I start hearing this noise… First a fast ‘tickytickytickytickyticky’ and then a more steady ‘flapflapflapflap’. I realized there was something moving around in my room – a huge moth. When it was walking on the floor, on a desk or on a pc, it made the ‘tickytickyticky’ sound and when it would fly from one place to another, I would hear the ‘flapflapflap’ – the different sounds would alternate as the moth would not sit still.

As soon as I heard the moth – my first thought was ‘oh no, not again!’. A few nights ago I’d had a bad night of sleep because a moth had gotten in my room then too – it first had been hard to fall asleep. The more tired I became, the more irritated and frustrated I got with the moth and the sounds it made that would suddenly ‘snap me out’ from me dozing off – and the more I would also start to focus on whether the moth was or wasn’t making any sounds. During that night, I also kept waking up and when wondering why I was awake, I would hear the moth and had that reaction come up of ‘seriously - you actually WOKE ME UP!’ lol.

So, back to last night – I heard a moth moving around my room and I noticed again how I was getting tense and already expecting that my night would be the same as the previous one, that I would wake up during the night, that it would affect my ‘mood’ the next morning and affect me during my day. Right as I became aware of my experience and that it was quite silly to have such a huge experience of some noise – the moth landed on my legs. I had become aware of my experience, but was still just looking at it and so still ‘in it’. Now I feel this moth walking around on me and I felt it walking from my legs up to my tummy. I said to the moth ‘okay, fine, I’ll let you walk here, but just don’t come walk unto my face – wait, that’s exactly where you’re going aren’t you – you’re coming to stand on my face!’. It was just an idea that occurred to me as I was talking to the moth, but I placed my hand in front of my face just in case. And yes – the moth walked in a straight line, right into my hand, if I hadn’t placed my hand there, it would have come to sit on my face lol. That’s when something interesting happened – which I will share in my next post ;).

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