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"Mommy, I need a session"

When I first started doing Posture Alignment sessions with people, Syntia got curious and insisted she also gets a session. She didn’t really have much she needed help with, so I focused on teaching her some ecises with animal names (cats & dogs, frog, bear crawls), and added animal sound effects to have some fun.

Fast forward a few months, she comes to me and says ‘mommy, I need a session, when are you going to do a session with me again?’ I was juggling a few clients and thought she was feeling a bit left out, so I said ‘sure, when I have a moment, I will do a session with you again’.

A few days passed and she came to me in the morning, still in her pjs: “we still haven’t done a session, I need a session.” She didn’t have that glint of cheekiness in her eyes like she usually does when she tries to get something that she wants but doesn’t need. I realized then that she may actually be struggling with something. I asked if she’s feeling pain anywhere and she points to her back. ‘It’s tight there.’

I took her posture pictures and was shocked to see: her pelvis was all out of whack. One hip was jutted up, her pelvis was rotated (one leg forward of the other) and she was compensating heavily by off-setting in her torso. 😱 Poor thing!

I made her a menu with 5 exercises, which she patiently learned and performed like a little trooper. We took pictures again after doing the exercises for the first time to see if everything was moving in the right direction.

We could see her right hip had already dropped a bunch, her rotation in the pelvis was reduced (feet pointing more in the same direction and in the side-view the back leg cannot be seen) and her body was more balanced left to right.

She continued doing these exercises pretty consistently in the following week and had no more tightness in her back after that!

We tend to think of posture issues as an adult problem, but truly, any child can have their body go out of alignment through a fall, a sprain, sleeping in a funny position, or, even from sitting for long periods and not spending enough time playing, climbing and tumbling.

In fact, and sadly, certain issues we expect to only see in older adults, like excessive rounding in the upper back and shoulders, are starting to become more and more common place in teenagers and kids.

Luckily, no matter at what age these deviations make an appearance, with the correct input, the muscles will move the bones back to their designated positions!

If your child has recurring complaints, aches or pains they may be dealing with some misalignments that are causing excess pressure on certain parts of the body, or asking muscles and joints to be used in ways they weren't designed for. Feel free to reach out via whatsapp on +507 6513 5101 or book a session online! Ensure to indicate when the session is for a child to make use of the age discount!


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