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The First Law of Physical Health: Vertical Loading

Pete Egoscue, founder of The Egoscue Method formulated 8 laws of physical health. The first law reads as follows:

1. Vertical Loading:
Gravity is necessary for health. The body must be vertically aligned in its postures in order for gravity to exert a positive and dynamic influence on it.

We tend to take the basics for granted. Posture falls into that category, and gravity most certainly falls into that category!

The human body’s design, when posturally sound, takes advantage of gravity so that it works in our favor. We see this in our upright posture with our big load joints (shoulders, hips, knees and ankles) sitting on top of one another like a clever little tower.

When we deviate from this design and our hips bail forward, or our head moves too far forward, our knees bend or over-extend - we enter a state where our bodies have to actively fight gravity to maintain an upright posture. Your muscles start working too hard in the wrong way.

Posture Alignment Training helps your body rediscover its optimal alignment. You’ll start to feel your blood pumping, feel your energies flow, as not only your musculo-skeletal system, but also your digestive and your cardiovascular systems are greatly impacted by gravity and whether we are working with it or against it.

And of course, if you live with chronic pain, that tends to get resolved when you start to honor your body’s design, and put in that little bit every day to actively restore its brilliant alignment! 😉

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