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The Second Law of Physical Health: Dynamic Tension

Muscles work in pairs! We have muscles that are responsible for bending a joint and muscles responsible for extending it. Both muscle groups need to work in tandem and often simultaneously for correct and controlled movement, otherwise we’d just be flipping from totally bent to totally extended in a snap and while that could be a hilarious sight, it would also be pretty dysfunctional .

Posture Alignment Training reminds your muscles just how long and how tense they ought to be in different positions and during various movements. Restoring base length and tension on both sides of the body allows your muscles to regain their functional strength and re-establishes fluidity in motion with both sides of the body working in sync; flexing and extending just the right amount at just the right time.

If your movements or your gait have been feeling a little ‘choppy’, you are due for a postural assessment. Let’s help your body remember how to move and flow correctly!

Appointments can be held remotely via video-call or in-person at Movanta - Dance & Flow Studio in the Village Mall.

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